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Medical information in everyday language

In ‘Breast enlargement’ - Bupa factsheet

Getting advice about breast enlargement

It's important not to rush into a decision to have any cosmetic procedure, including breast enlargement surgery. Spend some time looking into the type of surgery you’re thinking about. Discuss your options with your GP. They may be able to recommend a good surgeon or give advice about which hospital to choose. You can also check the relevant qualifications of surgeons online.

Before opting for a breast enlargement operation, discuss with your surgeon what you’re hoping to gain from the procedure. Ask about the result you can realistically expect and the risks and possible complications of the surgery. Remember, it’s OK to take a list of questions with you when you meet your surgeon. This is your chance to get all the information you need to make the decision whether to have surgery or not.

A good surgeon will encourage you to take a few weeks as a ‘cooling off’ period before you go ahead with your surgery. If you still have questions a second consultation with your surgeon may help.

© Bupa 2016

In ‘Postnatal depression’ - Bupa factsheet


FAQ - I think my partner has postnatal depression - how can I help?

If someone you care about has postnatal depression there’s a lot you can do to support her. Here are some suggestions.


  • Encourage her to talk to her health visitor or GP, and to follow their advice. Postnatal depression is treatable.

  • Spend time with her, listen to her and don’t be dismissive about her worries. Reassure her that she’ll get better.

  • Offer practical help with the baby, and with jobs such as cooking, housework and shopping.

  • Try and arrange some time for her without the baby, doing something enjoyable just for her.

  • Encourage her to get out and meet with family and friends. Help her find local groups for new mums.

  • If you’re her partner, try not to feel resentful if you’re getting less attention from her. She needs your help and support.


Remember, women with postnatal depression often find it hard to talk about it, or even let others know what they’re feeling.  You can help by reassuring her that it’s not her fault. Help her realise that seeking help is the best thing she can do for herself and the baby.

© Bupa 2016

Writing for younger readers

In Q Files - Medicines and treatments


Open surgery is when the surgeon makes a cut (incision) in the patient’s skin to see and operate on the internal organs directly.  After the operation the surgeon uses stitches or clips to close the cut.  Another type of surgery is known as keyhole surgery.  The surgeon makes only a tiny cut and uses a long tube with a light on the end to see inside.  Special surgical instruments are passed down the tube to allow the surgery to be done. When keyhole surgery is used in the abdomen (tummy) it is called laparoscopic surgery.

©  Q-files Ltd. All rights reserved

In Ultimate Guide - Body, published by Miles Kelly, 2016

From 'The abdomen'

The soft abdominal organs are protected by the bones of the ribcage, spine and pelvis, and by the abdominal muscles all around.  There are also pads of fat in certain places inside the abdomen to support and cushion the organs. Many of the organs in the abdomen are covered in slippery coverings, with thin layers of liquid between them. This lets them slip and slide against each other when they need to, for instance when food needs to move down the intestines.

© Miles Kelly 2016

From 'Pregnancy'

A woman’s ovary releases an egg every month; this is called ovulation. The egg travels down her fallopian tube, which is part of the uterus (womb). If there are sperm in the tube, following sexual intercourse, then the egg may become fertilised by one of the sperm. This usually leads to pregnancy and a baby being born nine months later.


The new baby gets genes from both its parents. The egg and the sperm (the ‘gametes’) both carry half the usual number of chromosomes so that, when they merge the new baby will have the right number.  The baby will have some characteristics like its mother, and some like its father.

© Miles Kelly 2016

Many more examples available on request.

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